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We are AFS 

Our teams provide a range of SBT, FHA and instrumentation installation services to the process industry globally.

Gas Turbine Fuel Lines

Re-configuring tubing runs prone to HF vibration

Challenge: An operator had a requirement to replace NRV's on gas turbine liquid fuel and air purge lines and maintain the tubing integrity for high frequency vibration


Approach: Our team worked with the operator and turbine service contractor providing advice on the configuration of the tubing runs to compensate for the vibration


Result: The installation was completed on time by a technically competent Technician working with the support of our onshore team


Hydrocarbon Impulse Line Replacement

Replacement of all Hydrocarbon Impulse Lines

Challenge: There was a requirement to replace all hydrocarbon impulse lines and instruments on hydrocarbon service on an existing gas platform


Approach: A workscope was developed and AFS Technologies coordinated with operations, access, insulation and commissioning contractors to develop a plan with a tight schedule for completion


Result: 259 instruments were re-tubed, 89 tubing runs heat traced and insulated, 95% completed on schedule


Wellhead Annulus Instrumentation

Replacement of tubing and instrumentation on high pressure wellhead

Challenge: Over time, temporary HP pipework had been used for the annulus instrumentation lines creating numerous potential leak points and access restrictions around the wellbay


Approach: AFS specified coned and threaded fittings throughout to meet the well pressure requirements. New instrumentation was installed at the same time


Result: The new installation was less susceptible to stress-related failure with significantly less potential leak points in the assembly and better access in the immediate area

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